Monday 20 April 2015

Magazine advert draft...

I was unsure weather to use a white text box across the centre of my magazine advert or a red text box the white text box blended in with the black and white filter theme however form looking at existing Indie Rock products some of them use a black and white filter and include a hint of red to add an interesting feature. I decided to ask 2 girls at ages 17-18 as they fit into my target audience bracket and I chose to ask them on social media site 'SnapChat' because it allows me to send a photo and text in a quick efficient way and receive an answer instantly.


Above are the two different snapchats I sent to both participants on 'SnapChat'. 

Below are the answers I received.

From looking at my feedback it was clear that my audiences preferred the white text box, therefore in my final magazine advert i will use a white text box on my magazine advert.

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