Saturday 18 April 2015

Magazine advert analysis...

- The artist is in the centre of the frame, this implies his significance and importance and focuses the views attention on him.
- The band name 'Arctic Monkeys' is in the same font type as what is on their 'AM' album cover. This links in their products and makes their name almost like a logo, because it appears on different platforms it will become a recognised sign.
- The grey scale adds a dull and dark atmosphere to the advert, it also labels it to the Indie Rock genre as it is a typical convention that Indie Rock bands use filters such as black and white or grey scale.
- The picture of the artist on the stage with a microphone suggests to audiences that they are a band who are more into the music and performing element than the fame that comes with it, this is also portrayed in the positioning of the artist with his back turned to the crowd.
- By having the writing in white it makes it clear and stands out, this will benefit audiences as the important information that the advert is advertising is in a slightly larger white font size and will catch audiences eye.

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