Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Showcase night...

Now that our music video is complete we held a Media Showcase evening at our school to present our classes final music videos to our friends, family and fellow media students. We were immencly proud of our final product and couldn't wait to see it on the big screen! On each chair we put a pack with 4 pages, 1 for each A2 video with the same 5 questions on each:

1. What do you think is the intended demographic for this music video?
2. Does the track fit the editing style? - please give reasons why/why not
3. What did you understand to be the narrative of this music video?
4. Are there any specific camera angles/shots that stood out?
5. Any suggestions for improvements if we were to shoot this again?

Before showing our music video we asked the audience to fill out the sheet as best they could as it would be extremely beneficial for our audience feedback. We also found that compared to last year, by using sheets instead of filming the audience one by one, this was an easier and quicker way for us to gather feedback.

We are currently in the process of going through our feedback sheets and so far the audiences comments have been extremely positive with a few suggestions for improvements.

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