Wednesday 16 July 2014

Idea 1...

As a group we decided that we wanted our music video to have some narrative but also some meaning and a message behind it, we started to think of songs which could have a message which we could covey in our film and we came across Lana Del Ray. Ciara and Tara knew quite a few of her songs already where as I had never listened to her so we listened to a selection of her songs and we came across 'Young and Beautiful'. We knew that this song was clearly telling a message about how youth and beauty fades and how those things are not important, this was perfect for us as we liked the idea of sending a message to girls as it was something we all could relate to.

However, we realised that the song is very slow and doesn't have much of a beat, this would become a problem with editing because we wanted a solid beat which we could make cuts and edits to. We then looked into some remix's of the song which would give us our beat, we was lucky that many people had remixed the song so we now have a lot to chose from such as the videos below.


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