Monday 7 July 2014

AS film evaluation...

What Went Well
What Did Not Go Well
Digital Technology 
Panasonic video recorder, used to achieve the different camera angles/ shots we wanted; pan, close up, long shot.
Tripod, used to make sure the camera was steady and was also used in some of the pan shots we took that we did not include in the final cut. 
Fish eye lens, we used a fish eye lens which attached onto an iPhone 5 to create different shots which we found from our audience feedback were very effective. 
Footage taken with the Fish Eye lens attached to iPhone was slightly shaky because it was handheld. 
Fish Eye lens created a unique shot which stood out in comparison to the other shots. 
- At the end of the opening we included an audio of a baby crying and a woman saying ‘Help’, we had mixed reviews on this as some people felt that it was too quiet and that the audio wasn’t long enough. 
Research and Planning
We recorded some practice shots to get used to using the camera and to experiment with the different types of shots we could use. 
Prelim film, this gave us some practice with editing and working with audio. 
We watched films with the Psychological Thriller genre such as ‘Taken’, ‘The Bone Collector’ which gave us inspiration for our own film.
Camera angles/shot list, props list and location information, all of these helped us to prepare before we went out and filmed. 
- We changed the idea for our film multiple times before we settled on our final idea. This meant we created a lot of plans and had a lot of footage for past ideas which we never used  and reduced the time we spent on our final idea. 
Post Production
Pull focus editing, used when text appears.
Black and white edit of the production company shot at the start. 
Fast cuts from the drivers mouth to a different shot and back.
Audio, music playing throughout is muffled and quieter when the door shuts.

Shot of the Slow tilt up to the interior mirror is after the car has started driving however in the shot you can see the car isn't moving, in the editing we should have placed this shot before the car began to move. 

Using Conventions from Real Media Texts
Title of the film has a link to a Children’s nursery rhyme, this is often used in psychological thrillers. 
Close up shots, adds mystery and suspense. 
- Romantic audio used, this is not common in psychological thrillers as they tend to use some suspense or thrilling music. 

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