Monday 1 December 2014

British Film Institution...

As a media group we took a trip to the BFI (British Film Institution). We attended a lecture about Music Videos which would help us with the making and planning of our own and would provide us with some insight into how professional music videos are created.  The timetable below shows how our day was planned out. 


During the lecture I took notes on some tips and advice for making our music video which we will defiantly use.


The session ended with a Q&A with music video director Jake Wynne, I found this extremely exciting because we were able to hear what directing professional music videos is like and any tips Jake had to offer us. Jake Wynne also showed us one of the videos called 'Autophilia' by The Bluestones - he directed and he spoke us through how he came up with the ideas and how he put them together.

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