Thursday 27 November 2014


In our music video we want to incorporate some form of voyeurism which will promote our star and our single even more. The opening to our video includes a record being put onto the record player, we have decided to use this opportunity to illustrate voyeurism by having the track and artists name on the actual  record.

As well as this we want to include some shots of the protagonist on their phone, when we do show this we can get some shots of pictures of themselves, the track and the album on their phone. 

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Storyboard verse 3...

In our lesson today we have planned our footage and shot types for the third verse in our music video. The lyrics to the third verse mention different outfits such as "Checkered shirts and chino trousers, we know we want to show different outfit changes however we want to try out a different technique rather than just showing them in still shots. This led us to think of the opening titles to 'Ugly Betty' and the split screen effect they have used. 

We have decided to take inspiration from this intro and use it to show our different outfits however we will use a different transition to mix up our outfits.

Storyboard verse 1...

Thursday 20 November 2014

Richard Dyer's Star theory...

Dyer proposes that...

"A star is an image, rather than a real person, that is constructed out of a range of materials

(e.g advertising, magazines, films etc)."

  • Dyer says that someone becomes a pop star once they/ their persona is delivered to the public through reasons other than just their individual talent (music, acting etc.). 
  • The stages from being a pop performer to becoming a pop star can be extremely beneficial to the artist. Once they are known by the public for more than just their music talent, it is harder for the public and the media to forget the individual.
  • Dyer argues that stars are constructed to be seen as “real people” by displaying particular emotions and beliefs, when in reality they have been constructed by their institution.
  • Stars are made to serve a financial purpose to their industry. He argues that “stardom” is created purely for financial reasons and that the stars finance situation is created through their fans and the mass media.



  • Rihanna is known for her music career which began when she met record producer Evan Rogers through mutual friends in late 2003.
  • She was original a ‘pop performer’ as she had no other connections to fame other than her music career.
  • She soon became a ‘pop star’ once she started to date Chris Brown.
  • Album cover for 'Unapologetic' illustrates an example of the male gaze theory. The image above (unapologetic album) displays Rihanna naked in a sexualised position with the words 'Unapologetic' just covering up her breasts, this is very different from her first album cover (image below). Her first album 'Move into the sun' expresses a lot more innocence, by using a close up shot of her face it highlights the softness of her face, there is no use of hash make up and they have used very natural colours, this all ties in to portray a undertone of innocence.

  • Rihanna released her album  album ‘Good girl gone bad’ when she first began dating Chris Brown. 
  • She was signed to Def Jam Records when she released the album ‘Good Girl Gone Bad’ and Def Jam Records had transformed her image to a ‘sexy, week-smoking, pop star’. Along with her new image came a new range of fan base.
  • She was seen in most magazine’s attending premiers and celebrity parties all along with Chris Brown.
  • Rihanna has now appeared in many films such as ‘Battlefield’ and ‘This Is The End’ which again gained her more fans.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Mood board...

Below is a mood board of some initial ideas we have for our music video.

Friday 14 November 2014

Contacting the record company...

The next step for us was to contact the record company who manage Nina Nesbitt and ask for their permission to use the song in our music video. We looked on the official Nina Nesbitt website to find a contact email and we found her PR email on her twitter account so we emailed them both the email shown below. 

For copy right reasons we needed to explain to them that we are only using the song for our video and we will not be making any profit from the song, we are now waiting on a reply. 

Thursday 13 November 2014


Below are the lyrics to our chosen song, Nina Nesbitt - Stay Out. Some of the lyrics that particularly stood out to me were "They think they're from the sxity's, But they were born in 1991" this line correlates well with our theme of youth and will be good for us to highlight in our music video. I also liked the lines "He's got a Rolling Stones tee" and "She's got a tattoo of a peace sign on her thumb" for these lines we can include images of what the lyrics are saying.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Developing ideas...

Now that we have our new idea we decided to create a spider diagram of our ideas when we first heard the song.

We also printed off a copy of our lyrics and started making notes on the type of shots we would want. We all instantly pictured a video filmed late in the evening and we wanted to illustrate the youth feel in the song by having shots of us enjoying being young and going out.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

New Idea...

After coming together to start storyboarding our idea we soon realised that we were no longer passionate about our idea and we felt that the choice of song would not work with the time of year. The song 'Riptide' by Vance Joy has the feel of a summer song and the majority of the shots and visions we had were shots in the sun and in the summer which we now realise would not be possible in October/ November.

In response to this we have chosen a new idea which we are all very excited about. We have decided to use the song 'Stay Out' by Nina Nesbitt, when we first heard this song we knew that it would work with the locations we have to offer and the time of year as we felt that it is a cold winters song.